Can I Sue a Homeowner if my Child Was Hurt on Halloween?

Homeowners bear the responsibility of ensuring everyone’s safety who steps foot on their property. This Halloween, massive numbers of children will go door-to-door, eagerly awaiting sweet treats from their trusted neighbors. However, since Halloween is such an exciting day, especially for children, you must always ensure you take the proper precautions to ensure everyone stays safe. Not only is it the right thing to do; it’s also the law. When homeowners do not take reasonable safety measures and a child is injured as a result, there is a very good chance they may be held legally liable for the accident. Please read on to learn more about Halloween safety precautions and what to do if your child is injured in an accident.

What should homeowners do to make their property safe for trick-or-treaters?

  • Either use tea lights as opposed to real candles in your jack-o-lanterns or at least ensure your jack-o-lantern is far away from any walkways and out of children’s reach if you use real candles. Fires are not uncommon on Halloween, though they are largely preventable.
  • Though you may feel bad keeping your pet in another room, it may be best, especially if your pet has any sort of aggressive tendencies. Halloween can be very confusing for certain animals, between constant doorbell ringing and a barrage of strange faces.
  • Always make sure your lighting is grounded to prevent overloading electrical outlets
  • Ensure your property is adequately lighted. If you fail to provide sufficient lighting for children, they may not see any present safety hazards and can trip, fall, or collide, becoming seriously injured.

How do I sue a negligent homeowner if my child is injured on Halloween?

To sue a negligent homeowner, you must first prove that you or your child was injured as a direct result of another party’s negligence. Hiring an experienced attorney can help you do so.

What is the statute of limitations in New Jersey?

New Jersey has a statute of limitations of two years on personal injury claims. This means you are granted two years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit against another party. If you try and file after the two-year cutoff, you will most likely be denied the right to sue. Do not let this happen. Our firm is ready to fight for the compensation you need as soon as you request our services.

Contact our experienced New Jersey firm

If you or someone you know was involved in an accident and wishes to speak with an attorney, contact the Law Office of Christopher T. Howell, If you have sustained serious injuries due to another party’s negligence, there is no reason for you to suffer alone. The compensation you receive may cover the cost of your medical bills, lost wages and more. Do yourself a favor and let us work with you to attain the financial assistance you need.