Can I Sue After a Pressure Cooker Accident in New Jersey?

People purchase pressure cookers so that they can cook tasty food efficiently within their home. In doing so, they hope that these devices are safe to use. While this is usually the case, there are cases in which a pressure cooker can be defective and malfunction. Recently, these cases are on the rise, causing injuries to many people within their home. As a result, product liability cases against companies who make these devices are increasing. This can include Instant Pot, NuWave, Mirro, Cuisinart, Phillipe Richards, etc. Those who sustained an injury due to a defective pressure cooker can retain the services of an experienced New Jersey personal injury attorney for assistance with these matters.

How Can a Pressure Cooker Accident Happen?

Pressure cookers are complex devices. It is because of this that an accident can happen in a few different ways. Most of these devices require a safety valve that releases steam so that the cooker can be opened. If the valve does not work properly, an “explosion” of 200-degree foods and liquids can occur, causing severe burn injuries. Pressure cookers also have lids, seals, gaskets, and locks that must work correctly so that an explosion does not occur. If these parts malfunction, the injuries can be life-changing. This can include blindness, electrocutions, and disfigurement. Damages can also happen to the home, as there have been many pressure cooker recalls in the past because of fire hazards.

How Do I Sue for a Defective Product?

Individuals who wish to pursue legal action against a pressure cooker company must do so by filing a personal injury claim. Cases such as these can fall under product liability design defects. In order to have a successful case, the injured party must prove that a safer and economically feasible product design exists. This can be difficult to do, which is why a skilled attorney should be retained for help gathering the necessary evidence to back up this claim. In the state of New Jersey, the statute of limitations is two years from the date of the injury to take legal action.

Contact our Firm

If you have been injured as a result of a personal injury accident and wish to speak with an attorney, contact the Law Office of Christopher T. Howell, Esq. today.